EOFT 13/14



No kayaker can resist the magic of the Mexican jungle with its torrential white-water canyons and waterfalls - even if the continuous rain and voracious mosquitoes turn the trip into an endurance test for the whole crew and their equipment.

Film information

Length: 7 min
Direction: Anson Fogel & Skip Armstrong
With: Erik Boomer, Tyler Bradt, Galen Volckhausen, Tim Kemple, Anson Fogel, Blake Hendrix & Skip Armstrong
Production: Forge Motion Pictures, Mexiko, 2013

North of the sun

Inge Wegge and Jørn Nyseth Ranum are looking for the perfect wave - not on a tropical beach but in their own private polar paradise.

The two Norwegian surfers plan to spend the winter at a secret cove in the Arctic Circle - a whole nine months in a hut they build from flotsam and jetsam. Whilst the Atlantic tides supply wood for the stove free of charge, the sea also leaves behind tons of plastic waste.

If Jørn and Inge don’t want their surfers’ paradise to turn into a dump, they have no option but to clean up the beach.

Film information

Length: 23 min
Direction: Inge Wegge & Jørn Nyseth Ranum
With: Inge Wegge & Jørn Nyseth Ranum
Production: Filmhuset AS, Norwegen, 2012


This is a tale of epic adventure. A tale of seven brave riders who set out from the four corners of the globe to gather together under one roof in a town located at the ends of the earth. Set in the Queenstown, New Zealand the bicycle posse takes over dirt jumps, chase down sheep and massacre water melons with chainsaws.

This is a tale with no beginning and no end but where a few things happen in between. Things like eel fights. Yeah that’s right... f’n eel fights.

Film information

Length: 8 min
Direction: Anthill Films
With: Brandon Semenuk, Brook MacDonald, Brett Rheeder, Cam McCaul, Andrew Shandro, René Wildhaber, Ryan Howard
Production: Anthill Films, Kanada, 2013

Petit Bus Rouge

Hold onto your hats and get your tickets ready to join our crazy crew for a spectacular ride
packed full of thrills and spills as we head off on a new adventure.
All aboard the Little Red Bus - we’re about to depart!

With plenty of new tricks planned, and inspired ideas that will test the realms of
possibility, talent and teamwork will be needed in abundance. Highliners, clowns,
musicians, acrobats, climbers - there’s space for everyone onboard the Little Red Bus.
We don’t know where the road will take us or who we’re going to meet along the way
but it’s sure to be eventful and a laugh a minute. From the sublime to the ridiculous is
only a step, and the laws of gravity are there to be broken.

Hit the road and join our merry band travelling from Spain to Scotland, Brussels to
Brévent, by air, land and sea... tumbling, flying, gliding and sliding, on a trip from the
avant-garde to the extreme...

Film information

With: Sébastien Brugalla, Anicet Leone, Tancrède Melet, Julien Millot, Antoine Moineville, Freddy Montigny
Production: Montaz-Rosset Film, Frankreich, 2013

Sound of the Void

Sébastien de Sainte Marie feels safer in the mountains than in a car or on a plane, even though the Swiss steep skier picks the lines hardly anyone else dares risk. On slopes like the 55-degree north face of the Gspaltenhorn one wrong move could prove fatal.

Film information

Length: 13 min
Direction: Marten Persiel
With: Sébastien de Sainte Marie
Production: Moving Adventures Medien / Helliventures Filmproduktion, Schweiz, 2013


Freeriding on the next level with the stars of the international skiing and snowboarding scene. Filmed in Norway, Alaska, New Zealand, and Баренцбург—a name you should remember!

Film information

Length: 10 min (EOFT edit)
Direction: Filip Christensen & Even Sigstad
With: Espen Kristiansen, Anders Backe, Åsmund Thorsen, Even Sigstad, Aksel Lund Svindal
Production: Field Productions, Norway, USA, Neuseeland, 2013
© Claudia Ziegler

The Beginning

Water always finds its way—and the Deap canyoning team shows us how. The group plunges headfirst into numerous mountain streams and pools and proves that this wet and cold torrential fun can be taken to entirely new acrobatic levels.

High diving is a thing of the past: canyoning is a must for all adrenaline junkies who love mountain and water sports - even if your trousers sometimes look worse for wear afterwards.

Film information

Length: 7 min
Direction: Warren Verboom
With: Warren Verboom, Lazaro Schaller, Lars Nobs, Matthias Holzinger
Production: Blindarea Production, Schweiz, 2013

The Road from Karakol

Kyle Dempster is stuck. Stuck in the middle of an adventure. The American mountaineer and adventurer has long since left behind Karakol, the starting point of his road trip, with its tarmac roads and gravel paths on his bike.

He is on his way to the last few unconquered summits of Kyrgyzstan and hasn’t met another human being in several days. After an uncomfortable meeting with the Kyrgyz military police and crossing several torrential rivers, which almost cost him all of his equipment, there is nothing left to do for Kyle but go ahead—although he is following a notion rather than a road.

Film information

Length: 20 min
Direction: Fitz Cahall
With: Kyle Dempster
Production: Duct Tape Then Beer, USA, 2013

Wide Boyz

They came, they saw, they conquered: Tom Randall and Pete Whittaker are the new benchmarks in off-width climbing. They pocket the first ascent of Century Crack, the toughest of all off-width routes in Moab (Utah), in only two days. That two Brits of all people are winning all the laurels is something the US locals find difficult to wrap their minds around.

However, what looks like a climbing walk in the park is actually the result of a two-year training ordeal on an almost perfect replica of the crack in Tom’s basement. So it does pay off to climb the route 42 times before the actual first ascent…

Film information

Length: 16 min
Direction: Chris Alstrin & Paul Diffley
With: Tom Randall & Pete Whittaker
Production: Hot Aches Productions & Sender Films, USA & UK, 2012